
After uncovering the mystery behind her uncle’s death in WWII, Sherry was inspired to tell the tales of the men on the HMCS Athabaskan and later the tales of the extraordinary women behind the scenes in WWII.

As her interest in writing evolved, Sherry was inspired to try her hand at fiction. Her first project was a children’s book followed by two historical fictions awaiting publication.


Published 2010 & 2021

In the early morning hours of April 29th 1944, Athabaskan was struck by a torpedo from a German Elbing Class Destroyer. Ten minutes later, a second thunderous explosion ended her career as a warship, and she slipped beneath the sea, five miles from Brittany’s rocky coastline.

All The Ship’s Men is a collection of 45 stories of the men aboard the ship as told by  survivors and family members. Stories of survivors and stories of the men who perished in the frigid waters.

Published 2015

Sixty Canadian women recount their wartime contributions and suffering with firsthand accounts of ferrying planes, decoding top secret messages, fighting with the Polish Resistance, or surviving the hell of Auschwitz.

They invite us into the world of military life, take us on a tour of a bomb factory, describe crossing the Atlantic in a convoy, tell us what it was like to drive an ambulance, play professional baseball or leave home as a war bride.

Published 2020

Eggy, Ryerson University’s mascot leads the Ryerson Rams Hockey Team to victory in an undefeated 1962/3 collegiate season. Along the way, Eggy learns the lessons of fair play and true sportsmanship. Based on the true story that won the noted hockey team, a place of honour on Ryerson’s Hockey Wall of Fame in the former Maple Leaf Gardens, in Toronto. Their record to date, has never been broken.

Grandpa Was a Ram is Sherry Pringle’s first children’s book, written and illustrated by Pringle and her eight-year-old Grandson Jackson Pringle.

Copies of all books are available online through Indigo/Chapters or directly through the author. Email shelou2005@yahoo.ca for more details.